This Christmas time, with the December set readings, we have not been looking at the birth of Christ in our Sunday services but of Christ’s second coming, and now we go back to the time from Luke’s gospel when Jesus was 12 years old and went missing.
Between the familiar Christmas story of Jesus’ birth and the beginning of His adult ministry, Scripture draws a curious curtain of silence over Jesus’ childhood. We have only this single window, this one remarkable moment when Jesus is twelve years old. Like a shaft of light breaking through clouds, this story illuminates something extraordinary about Jesus’ self-understanding and His relationship with His heavenly Father. More about that in the video.
As we leave this place today, may we, like Jesus, be found faithful in our Father’s house. May we, like Mary, learn to treasure the mysteries of God’s working in our hearts. And may we, like the young Jesus, grow in wisdom and in stature, in divine and human favour, as we pursue God’s purpose for our lives.
Thank you to Helen Tudor for our Scripture readings and Intercessions, Uli Doerr for playing the organ, José Cueto for recording the service, and Pastor Keith for the inspiring Sermon and leading the Service.