Today’s reading is all about Jesus being tempted by the devil in the desert. Help us to overcome temptation just as your Son Jesus was able to resist the devil when He was in the desert. Give us the strength to say ‘No’ even when the temptation is very strong.
In our reading we heard how Jesus coped with the temptations of the devil but how do we cope with the many temptations that face us in our daily lives? Watch this video to find out some things we can do.
Thank you to Colin Anderson for our scripture readings, Bob Wilson for our Intercessions, Pastora Jeanie for leading our Service and delivering this inspiring sermon, and José Cueto for recording the service.
Congregation: 36
Today, we come together to worship our faithful God, who walks life’s journey with us. As we strive to be the people God created us to be, let us dedicate ourselves to nurturing our faith. During the season of Lent, we need glimpses of what is to come: we need reassurance that Easter is coming, even when we are in the gloom of winter, the knowledge that Spring will come encourages us to continue, to persevere even in the bleakest hours, days, and weeks leading up to Lent. Watch the video to discover how Nicodemus and others on their journey to Faith led them to Jesus Christ, and may our journey bring us to the Saviour of the world. Thank you to Rick Boyle for leading the Service and for our Intercessions, Pastora Krista for writing the thought-provoking sermon and thanks to Dot Colling for reading it to us, and finally thanks to José Cueto for recording the service.
Congregation: 26