Today we have an opportunity to be a part of the Kingdom of God, with Christ as our King. Putting aside the kingdoms of this world to join together - despite our differences - in a community of brothers and sisters, children of God.
We are living in the midst of changing seasons, and as the writer of the book of Ecclesiastes wrote, “ for everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” It is fitting that this change in leadership is happening now as this week is the end of the liturgical year. Each church-year begins with the season of Advent and this year, Advent begins next Sunday, December 1st. A new beginning to a new church year. It is also fitting because today is Christ the King Sunday, a day to set aside the human kingdoms we’ve created and focus on the compassionate and loving reign of God. It is a day to remember that we are all part of the Christian family, no matter our differences in culture, language, status or location.
This Sunday is also the last service for Pastora Krista. She will be greatly missed in our Church and the Community as a whole since she has brought the sunshine of her bright smile. So, we say goodbye, and Godspeed to her new Ministry in California.
Thank You to Brian Todd for reading our scriptures, Pastora Jeanie for our Intercessions and the music, Pastora Krista for her heartfelt Final Service before heading back to the USA, , and José Cueto for recording the service
Today, we come together to sing the praises of God, to pray for guidance and to prepare for our journeys ahead. To say “thank you” now, is like saying “thank you” in the middle of the story…. but friends, being grateful in the in-between times… that’s the message of our scripture today.
Moses sees the vision of God, (the promise of the land, its abundance and its blessings) but (he) is not allowed to enter that part of the dream. Moses’ role was to bring the people out of slavery, to bring the people the Law, to bring the people to God and now his part is done. So, God shows him the Promised Land there on the mountaintop, and there he dies.
Pastora Krista tells us she has been blessed to be a part of the journey of La Siesta Evangelical Church, and that she is grateful to God for the part of the journey she’s shared with us. But we are all just one small part of the full story of this community. A small part, but a good part.
May we recognize our place in the family of God, put our oars in the water and let us be grateful for the journey we are on. For all we’ve been given, thanks be to God!
Thank you to Megan Wright for reading our scriptures, Rick Boyle for our Intercessions, Pastora Krista for leading the Service and for preparing us for the next transition, and José Cueto for recording the service.
Welcome for our traditional Remembrance Day Service:
Every year either on Remembrance Day itself or on the Sunday closest in date to the day, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month Britain observes a two minutes silence. Armistice Day on the 11th November 1918 marked the end of the First World War when the guns on the western front fell silent and the end to the war. For over 100 years now Armistice and Remembrance services have been held to allow us to remember the ultimate sacrifice of those men and later women sent to fight. However, today we remember and honour all those who fought in both world wars and those who fought and never returned in the subsequent wars in the ensuing years. We remember too those who died during bombing raids: the civilians, the home guard, and the air raid wardens. We remember today the American soldiers who also sacrificed their lives that others might live. May those who returned from such deadly warfare be treated with respect whoever they are and wherever they are. May we too have such a devotion to justice and freedom that the heroism of all who fought and who still fight may continue to be remembered in a nation of service and in a world of peace.
Thank You to Davy Young for reading our scriptures, Pastora Krista for our Intercessions, Pastora Jeanie for leading the Service, and her Remembrance Day sermon, Jose Cueto for recording the service, and all who participated in our service: Captain (Ret´d). Bob Wilson, Howard Cook, Colin Anderson, Alan James, Dot Colling, and Ulrich Dorr (on the organ).
Today we come together to honour those who have gone before us and to remember the bonds we share with others as one people of God.
This Sunday is a special day in many Christian denominations to remember those we have lost. It is “All Saints Sunday” - and we take a moment to remember our loved ones who are no longer with us. And no matter how much time has gone by - grieving the loss of a loved one is not something we “get over.”The Book of Ruth is about returning – returning to one’s homeland, returning to God, returning to who we are supposed to be.
“Return to me.” God tells us. “Return to me.”
What does that mean, “Return to me.”?
Let´s find out by listening to this dynamic message.
Thank you to Colin Anderson for reading our scriptures, Rick Boyle for our Intercessions, Pastora Krista for leading the Service and her very interesting sermon, and José Cueto for recording the service.