“You are obliged to love your neighbor as yourself, and loving him, you ought to help him spiritually, with prayer, counselling him with words, and assisting him both spiritually and temporally, according to the need in which he may be, at least with your goodwill if you have nothing else.” ~ St. Catherine of Sienna
Tracey Williams is the daughter of the late George, and Sylvia Williams.
Tracey's own account -
Having started adult life as a teacher, God quickly stepped in to direct me to missions - which has now been part of my life for 15+ years. It has been a growing experience but I know it’s the greatest way to learn dependence on Him!! I first made my Christian commitment 6 months after my mum died. I’d been taken to church most of my life but strangely, when everything was pulled out from under my feet, that’s when starting to trust began!
I trained as a grade school teacher in the UK but God quickly directed me to missions, again in the realisation that I had to trust Him to direct every step of my path. So, my “path” has included 5 years in Brazil (as a teacher to MKs with Wycliffe Bible Translators), a stint in Eastern Europe with SHARE, and now 5 years in Zimpeto, Mozambique.
Out of my own brokenness and healing God has called me to be a “repairer” and a “restorer” and now, a mother to the motherless. I have the privilege of living that promise and call through caring for 40+ “under 5s” in our Baby House and wouldn’t swap it for anything!
The centre caters for about 500 children who are either orphans or whose parent's can no longer care for them. In particular, Tracey works with babies and very young children.
The children often arrive at the centre in a very bad way and Tracey and her colleagues work hard to help the little ones recover their health and to develop. Tracey came to see her parents in Spain and took some time to show a slide presentation of her work. There were some heartwarming stories with before and after pictures of the little ones. Sadly, however, they cannot save all the children that come to them and some have died.
Tracey's work is made all the more difficult by the uncertain political situation in Mozambique and the vagaries of the weather which has led to widespread flooding in recent months.
La Siesta Evangelical Church supports Tracey with prayers and as well as financially. Please do keep Tracey, her colleagues at the centre and especially the children in your prayers.