Today we are celebrating the feast of Epiphany. In the Spanish speaking world, this is a very important feast, in many ways even more important that Christmas itself.
Have you ever heard someone say I have had an Epiphany! What do you think that means?
One of the definitions according to the Oxford dictionary is a moment of sudden revelation or insight: How is that going to be interpreted in the light of this Church Holyday? Today we look at the feast of Epiphany with new eyes, as a new revelation, or as a new insight.
Epiphany challenges us to reconsider:
• who we might think of as not worthy or not as good as us.
• who we might feel prejudice against, even if we know it is illogical.
• and to come up with ways how we, the Church, might reach out to them, invite them, include them for the sake of and through the love of Christ.
So let us start this New Year with New Ways of Inclusiveness, Openness, and Love!
Thank you to Helen Tudor for our scripture readings, Sharon Rippon for the Intercessions, Rick Boyle for leading the service and his thought provoking sermon, and José Cueto for recording the service.
Today we are going to be looking at the first recorded miracle of Jesus in the bible, turning water into wine. When I saw the Scriptures for today, I got to thinking about how I might teach/preach on the Wedding Feast of Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine. I thought of a couple of things that jumped out at me: Should I talk about how appropriate this first recorded miracle was. As wine is associated with Joy, I could talk about how Jesus will bring us real Joy. Or possibly I could talk about Mary´s words to the servants: 5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” You can´t go wrong if you do that. I came up with a couple of other ideas, and then decided to see if I could get some inspiration from other preachers. So, I Googled the Wedding Feast of Cana to see what I could find. So, this is a combination of all three ideas. Watch the video to see how it all goes.
Thank You to Gordon Newlands for our scripture readings, Dot Colling for the Intercessions, Rick Boyle for his interesting sermon and José Cueto for recording the service.
Today we are looking at John the Baptist. His miraculous birth, and his vital ministry. Who was he? What did he represent? What was his ministry? And how did he serve as the precursor of Jesus?
It all began with John the Baptist and Jesus’ baptism, because after this Jesus’ mission really began to spread the good news about loving one another and living life to the full, secure in God’s love.
So, let’s listen as Pastora Jeanie explains all this and so much more.
Thank you to Gordon Newlands for our scripture readings, Davy Young for the Intercessions, Pastora Jeanie for her enlightening sermon, and José Cueto for recording the service.