Today we begin a sermon series called “Our Favourite Hymns” and we begin with the hymn that describes our unique relationship with Jesus. “What a Friend We Have in Jesus" was written as a poem by Joseph M. Scriven in 1855 for his mother. The song encourages us to communicate with God, and through that communication we can develop a personal relationship with God; he will bear our burdens, give us peace, and share our sorrows, if we “take it to the Lord in prayer.” In our hymn, we are assured that Jesus is our friend: he listens, he bears our burdens, he loves us and comforts us. But are WE good friends to Jesus? Do we listen when Jesus is speaking to us, or do we just expect Jesus to do all the listening? Do we follow the example he is setting, or do we ignore his guidance and his teachings? A special Thank You to Alan James for reading our scriptures, and Rick Boyle for the intercessions, Pastora Krista for the enlightening sermon on “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”, and José Cueto for recording the service.