Bread - FOOD - is vital to life. And in our passage today, Jesus says to his followers, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. After trying to make him King, and his refusal, the people chased after him saying, “Where did you go? We are not satisfied! Why did you leave us?” Their question: "When did you come here?" might be a question of control: "We want to know exactly what happened. How did the miracle happen? What kind of power do you have? How can we get some of that? We want details.” Find out how Jesus deals with this question and how we should also respond. WE can be bread for the world - Bread for those who need life - spiritual life and physical life. When we offer hope and help to our neighbours, we embody Jesus, the bread of life. When we love for and care for our neighbours - in our community and around the world - we embody Jesus, the bread of life. May we, who are filled, provide the bread of life to those who are hungry. And may we look to God and give thanks.
Thank you to Gordon Newlands for reading our scriptures, and to Pastora Jeanie for the intercessions, Communion, and the music, Pastora Krista for writing the Service even though sick with Covid, and José Cueto for recording the service.
Today we are reminded of this bible study that many of us learned in Sunday School: the story of the loaves and fishes.
So, what is this scripture about?
Miracle - proof of Jesus’ Messiah-ship.
God provides all we need.
When we work together, we can help those in need.
There is a distinct difference between what we WANT and what we NEED and the story of the loaves and fishes brings that difference to our attention. Here Jesus gives the people what they wanted! The amount of food goes beyond what they needed. In addition, we are never told that the people were hungry or in need of food. In verse 5, Jesus sees the large crowd following and asks Philip, ‘Where are we to buy bread for these people to eat?’ So, Jesus was anticipating their need, saying to the disciples, “If they are going to be with us, we have an obligation to provide for their needs.”
What is it that we want from Jesus? Do we want to force him to be the kind of Saviour we want or do we accept Jesus as he is? May we look to this lesson and see ourselves as we are; may we continue to distinguish our wants from our needs and may we appreciate the Jesus who gives freely the abundant Grace of God.
Many thanks to Howard Cook for reading the Scriptures, to Rick Boyle for leading out Intercessions, and to José Cueto for recording and uploading the Service.
Today we are blessed with the opportunity to welcome our friend, sister, daughter and missionary Tracey Williams. She joins us from Mozambique, and it is a joy to be in her presence as she shares her ministry at the Baby House. Today we are talking about “the call:” the call of Tracey, the call of Abraham and the Call that each of us receive from God. Our scripture from Genesis, examines the call of one man in our biblical narrative who is the example of FAITH: Abraham, our forefather and the renowned Father of three major religious movements. Our missionary Tracey Williams has responded to her call in a different way, and we are blessed today to have her with us to tell us about her call to care for the children of the Zimpeto Baby House in Mozambique Tracey gave us a very inspiring talk on her ministry in Mozambique. The stories were both very touching and highly inspirational. I was reminded of the Missions Conferences at our Church in the 1970´s, So wonderful!. Many thanks to Dot Colling for reading our scripture, Gordon Newlands for leading our Intercessions, and Jose Cueto for recording and posting the service, and especially Tracey Williams for sharing her experiences in Mozambique.
July 7, 2024: Today we begin a new month together and as we enter into the summer months, we do so with prayer, with reflection and with a renewed spirit to be the people of God. In our scripture from the gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells us of a small seed that grows into the kingdom. We are small; we are only one. But if you and I grow our kingdoms of love together, then we are two! And if we join with others, we can be a small garden that grows into a vast field of the Kingdom of Heaven. Many thanks to Davy Young for reading our scripture, Sharon Rippon for leading our Intercessions, Rick Boyle and Pastora Krista for leading our new song, and David Sanders for recording and posting the service.