Today we join together as a church family to sing and pray, to listen to words of the scripture and to witness God’s dynamic activity in our lives.
Today our scripture leads us back into a conversation with Jesus, in which he is proclaiming himself to be the “Bread from Heaven” and connecting himself with God the Father. Jesus is trying to instruct the crowd about being filled with the Bread of Heaven, that it is not just empty calories, but that it is nourishing and giving us life.
However, being emptied is not always bad. Listen to the video to find out how being emptied of bad things, can make ready to be filled with good things.
Thank you to Alan James for reading our scriptures, Gordon Newlands for the intercessions, Pastora Krista for leading the Service, and her encouraging sermon, and José Cueto for recording the service.
Today we join together as a church family to sing and pray, to listen to words of the scripture and to witness God’s dynamic activity in our lives.This morning, we welcome Pastor Keith Brown back to the pulpit to continue his message on Ephesians 4. He is helping Pastora Krista who was supposed to be in India this week, but had to cancel because of Covid. She has postponed the trip till September. Watch the video to find out what we can do to further the Kingdom, based on Pastor Keith's insightful reading of Ephesians chapter 4.
Thank You to Davy Young for reading our scriptures, Pastora Krista for the intercessions and leading the Service, Pastor Keith Brown for his inspiring sermon, and José Cueto for recording the service.
Today, we come together to sing the praises of God, to pray for guidance and to prepare for our journeys ahead. This morning we welcome Pastor Keith Brown back to the pulpit to give us a message from God. He is helping Pastor Krista who was supposed to be in India this week, but had to cancel because of Covid. She has postponed the trip till September. We also welcome new Associate Members: Jill from Wales, and Istvan and Iris from Norway.
Watch the video to find out what we can do to further the Kingdom, based on Pastor Keith's insightful reading of Ephesians chapter 4.Thank you to Howard Cook for reading our scriptures, Sharon Rippon for the intercessions, Pastor Keith Brown for his inspiring sermon, and Jose Cueto for recording the service.