In this Special Service, we witness the Baptism of Miracle Famoas, and then learn about “Childish Faith”.
When Jesus found the disciples disputing their rank in the Kingdom, he rebuked their divisive spirit of pride by setting a little child among them as their model; for an unspoiled child is the most social creature, swift to make friends, happy in play with others, lonely without human love… The kingdom of God is the true human society; the ethics of Jesus taught the true social conduct which would create the true society. This would be Christ’s test for any custom, law or institution: does it draw [people] together or divide them? We, as disciples, need to be more like children: open to others, regardless of what they look like and how different they are. We, like children, need to be playful and joyous in our approach to life, to faith, to learning. We, like children, need to show humility and respect.
May we as disciples learn from our children, be open to their teaching and may we grow into the disciples we are meant to be.
Thank you to Myrna Coleman for reading our scriptures, Pastora Jeanie for the intercessions, Pastora Krista for leading the Service and her inspiring sermon, and José Cueto for recording the service.