June 30, 2024: This morning, we focus on music and its ability to draw us closer to God, closer to each other and closer to who we want to be. Music can help us mark important moments in our lives: a wedding dance, a hymn sung at baptism, or songs we sing together when a person crosses from this life to the next. Plato, the ancient Greek Philosopher  said, “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” Many thanks to all who participated in our service: Lindsay Mitchell, who read our scripture; Bob Wilson who led our intercessions; Rick Boyle, Alan James, Dot Colling, Megan Wright and Davy Young for helping with the message and David Sanders for recording and posting the video

June 23, 2024: Join us to celebrate the addition of eight new members to our membership rolls. In the face of a general decrease in overall church attendance, in the aftermath of a global pandemic that permanently altered the way church is conducted, in the wake of the effects of Brexit and the challenges to global immigration: we have added 17 new members since 2022. In the face of fear and uncertainty, God has blessed us with new life, new energy and new friends. In the face of FEAR, Jesus is with us, whether sleeping in the boat or stilling the storms before us. Jesus is with us, assuring us: “Do not be afraid, God is with us.” Many thanks to Dot Colling for reading our scriptures, Pastora Jeanie Cooper for leading our intercessions and David Sanders for recording and posting our service.

June 16, 2024: Today we celebrate those who have acted as “fathers” in our lives: fathers, grandfathers, godfathers, brothers, uncles, mentors, coaches, friends - all those people in our lives that guide us and protect us. We also celebrate and honour the God who is our Father, when our fathers are not present or unable or unwilling to be fathers to us. Many thanks to Alan James for reading our scriptures, Rick Boyle for leading our intercessions and David Sanders for recording and posting the service.

June 9, 2024: We continue today with our sermon series called “Jesus, the Prophet” by examining the prophecy of the Ancient Jewish prophet Jeremiah and searching for connections to the words of Jesus. Many thanks to Collin Anderson for reading our scripture, Mark Morris for leading us in "Lord, We Have Come to the Lakeshore" and David Sanders for recording and posting the service.

June 2, 2024 - Today we begin a new sermon series called “Jesus, the Prophet” which will examine the role of the prophet in religious life and in the foundations of our Christian heritage. We rarely, in our normal liturgical year, examine Jesus' identity as a PROPHET - a teacher and scholar, a messenger of God in the model of the Old Testament prophets. Many thanks to Howard Cook for reading the scriptures, Bob Wilson for writing the intercessions and Dot Colling for leading them, and Pastora Krista and Rick Boyle for leading our 'a cappella' singing.